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What happens in our parties?

At the Fun Factory it is our job to make sure you as parents have the most stress free party as possible!
We take the stress away from the second you book you know that the party will all be taken care of! All you need to do is sort the food, cake and party bags out! (If you are having them that is!) Our one, two or three hour parties all include the following; 

Comedy Magic Show

Our famous Comedy Magic Show will keep children and adults alike laughing! Where possible we will get the birthday child/children on stage where no doubt stuff will go wrong! But in the end they are the stars of the show and go away with a large prize!
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Party Games

Our party games are second to none! We do everything from the Conga to Hokey Cokey and wrapping adults in toilet roll always goes down very well!
Alongside the traditional musical bumps and statues our games are tailored so nobody is 'out' we just give the prizes out the best participants. 

We can also do other games such as Pass the Parcel and Pinatas we just ask you to provide them and we will add them in the show!

Balloon Modelling

Everyone loves balloons! We make large balloon models to give away as prizes throughout the show! Don't worry if you haven't won one yet though because at the end we make sure every child goes home with either a dog or a sword balloon!

Mini Disco

Baby Shark Do Do Do Do Do Do.... We bring along the mini disco for the last 15 minutes playing all the favourite new music along with the old party favourites! Along with our flashing disco lights everyone loves a boogie!
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Give us a call today to book your party in!


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